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Three-Year M.D. Accelerated Pathway

Office of Medical Education

The Accelerated Pathway to Residency Program at the Miller School of Medicine offers qualifying students the opportunity to earn an M.D. in only three years. This 36-month program can save you time and additional tuition expenses, help you match with a residency program during your third year, and start practicing medicine ahead of the curve.

What Will You Accomplish in the Accelerated Pathway Program?

  • Develop, through mentorship, a research or quality improvement project in your specialty of choice.
  • Demonstrate that you have acquired the medical knowledge, clinical skills, and clinical reasoning needed to enter the supervised practice of medicine.
  • Display the communication skills and professionalism required to succeed in the supervised practice of medicine.
  • Recognize the presence and impact of social determinants of health on specific patient populations and the medical profession.

Residency Matching Opportunities

Once you fulfil the unique curriculum components and 3 Phases of the Accelerated Pathway program’s requirements within three years, you qualify for training in one of the University of Miami/Jackson Health Systems’ residency programs. Based on this accomplishment, participating residency program directors will rank you highly for residency matching. Currently, 18 specialty residency programs participate in this match.

If you do not secure a residency position during your third year, you will transition into the Miller School’s four-year medical scientist training program and will enter the main Match process to secure your residency position.

Want to Learn More?

Review the Accelerated Pathway program’s Frequently Asked Questions and curriculum overview. If you have additional questions, please contact the Accelerated Pathway program’s administration:

Jonathan Tolentino, M.D.
Accelerated Pathway Program

Erica Simms
Manager, Programs
Accelerated Pathway Program